· 建筑保温用空心玻璃微珠
 · 纯白空心玻璃微珠
 · 灰白空心玻璃微珠
 · 实心玻璃微珠
 · 超短玻璃纤维粉
 · 包银空、实心玻璃微珠
 · PIV示踪粒子


    超短玻璃纤维粉是将玻璃纤维粉碎后经筛选得到的产品。树脂中加入一定量的该种产品,即可降低产 品成本,又可增强树脂制品的剪切强度和耐磨性,改善制品的抗龟裂性,在树脂中易分散,抗化学侵蚀性 好,对其他介质非常稳定。 该产品广泛用于以各种树脂为基材的复合材料中,如:增强发泡塑料,人造大理石,合成木材,浇铸 模压成型家具,胶粘剂,以及各种电器元件和密封材料等。可以单独使用,也可以与玻璃微珠混合使用。

Ultra Short Glass Fiber Powders
USGFPs can be obtained after the glass fiber powders are broken and sieved.A fixed quantity of the mentioned products are added in resin, which offers the distinguished merits as follows: ·decreasing the production cost. ·reinforcement of shear strength and abrasion resistance of the resin products. ·improving the property of anti-crazing of the products. ·easy dispersion in resin and better anti-chemical corrosion. ·stability to the other dielectrics.

The products are suitable to be widely used in the composite materials with various resins as base, such as reinforced foamed plastics, man-made marble, synthetical wood, casting mould formed furnitures, adhesives and various electrical components and sealing compounds. They may be used singly or mixed with glass beads in an application.

版权所有 © 2006 秦皇岛秦皇玻璃微珠有限公司 COPYRIGHT © 2006 QingHuang Glass 制作维护 秦皇岛佳联科技有限公司
公司地址:秦皇岛市开发区珠江道47号   TEL:0335-3067300 FAX:0335-8388491
网站地图 sitemap 友情链接: 空心玻璃微珠 实心玻璃微珠 建筑保温玻璃微珠 玻璃纤维粉 建筑墙体保温填料 玻璃微珠厂