· 建筑保温用空心玻璃微珠
 · 纯白空心玻璃微珠
 · 灰白空心玻璃微珠
 · 实心玻璃微珠
 · 超短玻璃纤维粉
 · 包银空、实心玻璃微珠
 · PIV示踪粒子


    空心玻璃微珠是近年来发展起来的一种用途广泛、性能优异的新型材料,该产品的主要成分是硼硅酸 盐,粒度为10-250微米、壁厚为1-2微米的空心球体。该产品具有质轻、低导热、强度高和良好的化学稳定性 等优点,经过特殊处理,具有亲油、憎水性能,非常容易分散于树脂等有机材料中。 空心玻璃微珠广泛用于玻璃钢、人造大理石、人造玛瑙等复合材料中,具有明显的减轻重量和隔音保温 效果,使制品具有很好的抗龟裂性能和再加工性能。在航空、航天、新型高速列车、豪华游艇、隔热涂料、 保龄球等领域得到广泛应用,并起到了独特的良好作用。

Pure White Hollow Glass Microsphere
PWHGMs,developed in recent years,are a new type of materials which shows a greater use and an outstanding performance. The product,made mainly from borosilicate,is a hollow microsphere whose grain size is 10-250 micron and wall-thickness 1-2 micron. The products have many advantages:substantial weight saving,low heat conductivity,high mechanical strength and fine chemical stability. With treated specially,they have the properties of lipophilicity and hydrophobicity and are very easily dispersed in organic materials such as resin. PWHGMs are widely used in the composite materials such as FRP(fiber reinforced plastics),man-made marble and man-made agate. They have the distinct results of decreasing weight,sound insulation and heat preservation,thus the products have the excellent performances of anti-crazing and re-processing. They are widely to be used in a range of fields such as aviation,space,new bullet train,luxurious yacht,heat insulating dope,bowling balls and play a unique role.

版权所有 © 2006 秦皇岛秦皇玻璃微珠有限公司 COPYRIGHT © 2006 QingHuang Glass 制作维护 秦皇岛佳联科技有限公司
公司地址:秦皇岛市开发区珠江道47号   TEL:0335-3067300 FAX:0335-8388491
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